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1 min read

Case Win: Navigating Leave Disputes

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Whether it's annual leave, sick leave, parental leave, or other forms of leave, educators often find themselves needing clarity and support when disputes arise regarding their entitlements.

Sarah, a member of the TPAA, had been on leave without pay, intending to return to her part-time permanent teaching position the following year. 

Her decision to take leave stemmed from intolerable conditions created by the school principal. The work environment had become increasingly toxic, with Sarah and her colleagues subjected to constant bullying and mistreatment. This hostile atmosphere not only affected morale but also exacerbated stress and anxiety among Sarah and the other staff.

Facing the prospect of returning to work under the same principal, Sarah found herself overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. 

Sarah was advised by her doctor to go on stress (personal leave). The request from Sarah was denied by her employer. 

Unsure of how to proceed Sarah reached out to the TPAA for support and guidance. 

As a result of TPAA’s advocacy Sarah was approved for her personal leave.

How is the TPAA so effective in defending members during workplace issues and disputes? Our experienced and professional case managers use our unique RED™ case resolution system.

Why is the TPAA different? We believe that real change in education STARTS with empowering educators, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of TPAA and need assistance, please submit an Member Support Form on your dashboard, or contact us at hotline@tpaa.asn.au 

To find out more about TPAA and become protected today visit: https://tpaa.redunion.com.au/join 

The name of the member in this article has been changed for confidentiality reasons.