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Recent news from the TPAN community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to New South Wales Teachers.

Posts about

TPAN (2)

Case Win: Allegations in the Workplace

Advocacy & Support for Teachers

Allegations concerning interactions between educators and students...

Case Win: Defending Teachers Facing Leave Discrepancies

Resolving leave discrepancies in the workplace

Navigating leave discrepancies as a Teacher can be...

Case Win: Teacher Contractual Changes

Resolving Workplace Disputes for Teachers

Leslie, a dedicated teacher from Western Australia, found...

Case Win: Navigating Maternity Leave Entitlements

How TPAA Helped Secure Fairness and Clarity in Employment Benefits

Education is one industry where...

Why the TPAN is the Best Union for Teachers and Educators

What makes the TPAN the best union for teachers and educators across New South Wales and the...

Behind the Membership Fees: TPAN vs. NSWTF/IEU

NSWTF & IEU Full Time membership costs an average of $869, whereas TPAN membership is notably lower...

Case Win: Resolving Workplace Injustice

How TPAA Safeguarded a Members’ Professional Reputation in Education

Education is one industry...

Media Release: Insulting Interference is Hurting our Teachers - World Teachers’ Day 2023

Today, as we celebrate and recognise the vital importance of teachers, we must focus on fixing the...

Case Win: Privacy Breach Prompts WorkCover Win

Standing Up Against Abuse in Education - The TPA Difference

A recent case for a Red Union TPAQ...

Case Win: From Victim to Victor: How Teachers Union TPAA Assisted a Teacher Facing Student Abuse

Standing Up Against Abuse in Education - The TPA Difference

Teachers are the backbone of our...